Monday, September 17, 2007

Britney child custody hearing today

So it all comes down to this - the self-destruction of Britney Spears is in full swing. A "mystery witness" appearing in court today, apparently to testify that she's an unfit mother.

I am really divided in how i feel about this. For one thing, well, I DO think she's too young to be a mother. That isn't a crime, of course, and it happens to young women every day. Many of them develop support networks, with family an friends. Some don't and struggle to keep body and soul together while they raise their children as best they can. So why is this such a hot button issue, when it's happening around the country every day?

I think it boils down to money ion this case. We feel less sorry for Britney because she has the money to provide for her kids. She may be struggling emotionally (and in fact she is) but with the money she's spending on lattes and clubbing, she could have hired the best nannies money could buy to take care of her boys. To make sure they got to bed at decent hours, were fed healthy and nutritious foods, and taken to the playground. Her money could have provided them a ROUTINE (which every parent knows is one of the cornerstones of successful parenting and something kids crave.) Instead she is fumbling her way through it, and with cameras watching every step of the way of course she will screw up.

My advice to Britney now is, swallow your pride. Go to a reputable agency that specializes in child care to the stars. GET REFERENCES - why are you still hiring rejects from Craig's List? And hire a STAFF, yesterday that you then listen to with regards to your children's well being. Will having nannies damage the kids emotionally? I have a hard time believing that they will be worse off with a kind, well mannered, stable and professional influence in their lives than they are right now! It's no wonder that Kevin Federline looks more responsible - that's exactly what he's doing. Hiring the best, and being aware of his own limitations. If Britney had done the same this custody battle would have been over before it began.

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