Monday, December 10, 2007

Grocery time!

Well it's my most favorite day of the week - grocery time! It's kind of a challenge to figure out how to buy enough food for us on a strict budget - especially when we're trying to eat healthy (which can be pricey). I have a couple of resources which help me with this:

Saving Dinner - my favorite cookbook by Leanne Ely. Healthy balanced food, with weekly menus pre-planned and grocery lists. Yay! She has also done a holiday version, a low-carb version and a vegetarian version. Here's a list of cookbooks by Leanne Ely

The Dinner Doctor by Anne Byrn - on weeks where there is a time crunch, this book has fantastic ideas for ways to make healthy food fast. The downside is it is expensive to buy prepared foods. Like the old saying goes, it either costs money or time. Here's the list of Anne Byrn "Dinner Doctor" cookbooks.

Good news is that looks like I can do the week's groceries for under $90. I'll know just how MUCH under $90 once I'm done, since I'm going to start with Aldi's (just opened in our area) and finish with meat and some veggies at Acme. Sorry Aldi's but the veggies just aren't up to par :) I'll post the final total later today!

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