So why no posts for a couple days? Well the universe handed me a life lesson.. namely that I am much closer to 40 than 30. MUCH. And that was hammered home to me by my attempt to work on my backyard this weekend.
We live on an acre and a half in a nice house that was originally my grandparents. When my gramma passed away a few years ago my fella and I moved in to manage the property for my parents (they lived a ways away and it was just too much for them to handle.) And the whole thing had been negelected in the years leading up to gramma's death, so there was and is a LOT of work to do. Since I work online from home, I was elected to move her - after all I can post from anywhere!
Well this weekend I decided to tackle the back yard. To give you a feel for it, let me throw in a picture:
Yup, overgrown and tons of work. Well I may be pushing 40 but I thought "Hey no problem, I get out the ditch blade, hit that and start clearing the brush." Umm, yeah - about that. BAD idea. So I hit the yard and went all "maniac", cutting brush and generally trying to be superwoman. And when I got up this morning to get to work I could barely move my right arm - the wrist hurt so much I was figuring I wouldn't be able to work today.
Fortunately I remembered my fella had picked up some samples of this new gel for his bad shoulder last week, so I hit the bathroom and grabbed it. It's this new stuff I haven't seen before so I just squeezed it out and rubbed it in. And for a minute I thought yipe, that is some BRIGHT green, I hope it doesn't stain!
Tried to get a pic of the neon green, ended up just making a hash of it - oh well it gives you an idea anyway.
Anyway, once it hit my wrist I was really blown away... it sort of cooled everything down and the pain just melted, it was the damnedest thing! Oh and it totally disappeared into my skin, so no worries about the green (it smells a bit like menthol, but considering I'm always congested this time of year from my allergies thats actually a bonus!) Anyway, I went ahead and rubbed it into all my finger joints too, and it's really amazing how good it feels. You'll notice that I can type again just fine, though I'm thinking I will have to apply it again in a few hours. It's called Freeze It and they have it at Wal-Mart so I am going to go pick up a tube for my desk downstairs. And since I'm in supa-picta-mode here's a pic of that as well :)
The moral of the story is that I am NOT 20 any more and I shouldn't be trying to be. I'm going to go hire one of the neighborhood kids to finish the rest of the yard work while I supervise from the patio :)
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