Monday, August 20, 2007

Why the new Flash Gordon sucks.

If that title sounds inflammatory it was meant to be. I have given the new show two full episodes, and I won't be wasting my time on a third. With so many great new shows out (Mind Control by Darren Brown being one of my new favs) why continue to waste time on this stinker?

Where did they go wrong? The idea was sound - re-imagine a classic science fiction serial for the modern age. With newer, darker story lines, better writing and tons of drama. It worked SO well for Battlestar Galactica - why does it fail so miserably here?

I think at the end of the day the fact is that the writer's didn't grok what Flash Gordon was really all about. They over analyzed it, dissected it, and generally talked it to death. I can sum up what's wrong with the show in one sentence.

Too much talk talk talk, not enough BANG! Bang! BANG!

Flash was a man of action. An honorable man who did what was right, against all odds. He didn't do long introspective dialogue, he said "OK, I'm taking out Ming." And Ming was simply and only a despotic ruler who was out to destroy Earth. What is so hard about that? When you start showing the "softer side of Ming" as he wrestles with his decision to execute a traitor - um, hello, he's the BAD GUY. At this point you need to establish him that way. Don't make ME doubt he's bad - otherwise why would I root for Flash? Deep introspection, if it comes at all, can show up in season two.

And Dale? Please. There is mor chemistry between Dale and her Fiancee than Dale and flash. Just saying it's so doesn't make it so - that was a really por casting choice.

If I want to watch a melodramatic teen angst-fest there are thousands of them on TV right now, If I want to watch good sci-fi - well I'm gonna watch BSG, Doctor Who, or the Dresden Files. I sure as hell am not wasting any more time on Flash!

What a shame.

1 comment:

Anne said...

I absolutely agree. I tried to watch Flash Gordon but it was just so...ugh. Guess I just have to wait until 2008 for BSG *pout*

By the way - this is "Isabella" from TSO in case you didn't recognize by blogger account from the Flarg legacy.