Thursday, June 07, 2007

Apparently if you're rich enough, you're exempt from "laws for us little people"

You know, I was really, REALLY trying to keep my mouth shut about the whole Paris Hilton debacle. In case you're logging in from, say, Mars and don't know about this, Paris was senteced to 45 days of jail time for repeatedly driving under the influence. Her entire excuse was a classic blonde "But I didn't KNOW I couldn't drive" with the puty face, and oddly enough, for once it didn't get her out of being responsible for her actions. So off to jail she went...

for three whole days. Gee, what a MARVELOUS execution of justice!

Young Ms. Hilton doesn't see anything wrong with her behavior, and why should she? Her entire life has been spent as a child of privilege, partying and taking NO responsibility for any of her actions. Now she doesn't even have to sit in jail for a measly 23 days for endangering the public with her reckless behavior; she can hang out at home, watch TV, text on that blackberry 'til her fingers bleed, and eat her gourmet meals while other people - poor people - rot in jail for breaking the law.

Wow, that's just dandy.

Paris, let me put this in terms you MIGHT understand. What if a drunk driver had run over your beloved doggie? Would you not want that person to spend more than three days in jail? Because by drunk driving REPEATEDLY, that's a distinct possibility in your future. You are likely going to hit someone, and injure or kill a person or pet who is beloved by someone else. Can you for ONE MINUTE wrap your empty blonde head around that? For that matter can ANY of the young "starlets" in Hollywood GET that concept? The reason the public is SO ANGRY WITH YOU is that you have absolutely no regard for any life other than your own - as evidenced by your repeated drunk driving infractions. And the thing that sends me over the edge, for real, Paris Hilton?

You are RICH. You could afford a DRIVER. There is NO REASON, NONE for you to drive drunk. Take some of the change out of your couch and go hire a driver and let him ferry you from party to party where you make a drunken fool of yourself. You could even sublet a seat to Lindsay Lohan if you like. What you do with your body on your time doesn't concern me - so long as it doesn't impact anyone else. Which is exactly what's going to happen if you continue on this path.

So all you drunk, slutty Hollywood celebutantes? Show some responsibility. Get as drunk as you want, screw as many people as you like... but DO NOT DRIVE. Hire a driver and be chauffered to those meaningless drunken debacles in style!

Thanks for this edition of "Elynn's Soapbox". You can now return to your regular, relaxed and informal blog.

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